Where to send your letters
The Democrat-Gazette welcomes your opinions. Not all letters received can be published or acknowledged. Clarity, brevity and originality are particularly valued, and letters must be suitable for publication in a family newspaper. Handwritten letters must be legible. Statements of fact are checked for accuracy; letters will be edited and may be republished in all media.
Letters and guest columns become the property of the Democrat-Gazette and cannot be returned. Letters from nonresidents, copyrighted material, poetry, form letters, and anonymous letters cannot be used.
Submit letters of fewer than 300 words to Voices, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, Ark., 72203; by fax at (501) 372-4765; by email at voices@arkansasonline.com; or via our website, www.arkansasonline.com/contact/voicesform. Please sign your letter and include your home address and daytime telephone number for verification. Writers are limited to one letter per 30 days.
The contents of the Voices page, including columns and cartoons, do not reflect the opinions of the Democrat-Gazette, which are found only in the editorial column of the editorial page. The views expressed by columnists are their own.